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End in Mind

Live More. Fear Less.

We empower people to proactively prepare for their death, so they are inspired to live a more fearless, intentional life today.

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End in Mind Project is proud to display our 2024 Candid Gold Seal of Transparency.

The Candid Gold Seal of Transparency is awarded to organizations that demonstrate a commitment to openness and accountability in their operations.

A project of End in Mind, The Art of Difficult Conversations is a virtual space for people to practice the skills necessary for having difficult conversations about the challenges we all inevitably face – from tough discussions about work or family, to talking about illness and decline, death and dying, or grief and loss. We do this by using art as a doorway into exploration.

Explore AODC

In Our Hearts

A mosaic reflects the beauty in what’s broken. It takes the shards of what was and transforms them into something vibrant and new.
Our lives are mosaics of loss, but loss can lead to growth, new insights and new beginnings. Our digital mosaic honors loved ones who’ve died and the lessons they taught us.

Click the button below to make your donation.

You will be redirected to our secure online donation form. After completing your donation, you will receive a confirmation email with a clickable link. This link allows you to share details about your loved one and upload a photo if desired. Once we receive the photo, we will proudly add it to our heart mosaic and list of names in honor or memory of your loved one.

Make a Donation

Names Honored and Remembered:

Anne Seltz, I donate in honor of me as I need you to be around when my time comes, with gratitude.

Charlie Greenman, in memory of Patty Botes. Her love, energy, and spirit embody all that End in Mind is about. She is a friend who though gone for 12 years, is always nearby.

Sharon Anderson, in memory of my brother, Joel Anderson

Larry Brandts

Georgianne Wurzer

Paula Barnes

Denny & Pat Marrow in memory of Elizabeth & Harley Bergren

Thomas Maida, In memory of my sweet wife Mary, who passed away of ovarian cancer in 2022

Cathy Wurzer in memory of Fritz Wurzer

William Lindberg in honor of Honor Bob Willey

Debbie Schmidt in honor/memory of Laura Petrofski, Allie Martin, Tom Tulien, Helen Jordan, Kathy Hagen, and all suffering from grief and loss.

Brian Engdahl in memory of Raina Eberly

Terrence Meersman in honor of Carmen De La Hoz

Randy Miranda in honor of Tyra Hughes

Allison DeCamillis, in honor of Deed & Tony DeCamillis and Jack & Sue Pratt

Carolyn Piepho, in memory of Joyce Kathleen Driscoll Rundle

Nick Koch, dedicated to all those who grieve loved ones

Patricia McMorrow, in memory of Michael Bischoff

Jodi Melsness, in memory of her mom, Jeanne Lundell

Norman and Andrea Cohen, in honor of Sam Stern & Cathy Wurzer

Johannes Allert, dedicated to Charles and Hazel Allert

Sam Stern, in honor of Cathy Wurzer

Cheryl Hagen, Dedicated to Gay Noble

Lori Williams, in honor of all our hospice patients and their loved ones

In memory of George L Chavez, Jr.

Barb Reuter

Lou Sandler, Thinking of you and Lou... missing the chance to give you a hug.

Dennis Turner

Remembering John Bramming

Joyce Kathleen Rundle

Jim Davis of Bethesda, Maryland who passed in December from COVID-19

Father, Doug Knowlton (04/26/1943 - 04/01/2019) & loyal family dog, Koda (02/14/2008 - 03/14/2020)

Steve Lufkin

Chris Shepard

Edith Miller

Carmen De La Hoz

Julie Benson; In honor of Hospice & Palliative care teams who tirelessly serve those with serious illness and at the end of life.

Barbara Brown: In memory of Michael Mayer, beloved brother.

Elizabeth Coenen: In memory of John Duggan, MD.

Lisa Haefs: Dedicated to mom.

Christy Moe Marek: In memory of my soul sister Laura who continues to inspire me to keep a possibility mindset no matter what, and to share it with others!

Jodi Melsness: Dedicated to my mom, Jeanne.

Sharon Radd: In honor of Bruce Kramer.

Stacie Saunders: In honor of Mark Saunders.

Jan Selby: In memory of my wonderful dad.

Michael Broeker: In honor of George L. Chavez, Jr.

Georgie Wurzer: In memory of Richard Wurzer.

In Memory of: Rosemary Alley... who taught me not to fear death, but to live life.

Raina Eberly: In your memory. You, who during your long struggle, taught us so much on our journey with you.

Carmen showed those around her how to live through her courage and grace in dying.

With love, in honor of the wonderful work my friend Cathy is doing to make this world a better place.

How I’m Living with the End in Mind

| Food for thought, Guest Blogs, Purposeful Living | No Comments
By Bill Kleis I visited with one of my neighbors a couple weeks ago when he was walking by. He said he had just seen his doctor and was assured he wasn’t going to die from anything serious. The more I think about that, the funnier it becomes. At age…

5 Types of People to Have in Your Huddle

| Food for thought, Guest Blogs, Purposeful Living | No Comments
By Bill Kleis Dr. Kent Pekel, superintendent of Rochester Public Schools, previously served as CEO of Search Institute, a nonprofit that promotes positive youth development and advances equity through research and practical solutions. I was intrigued by a 2022 address he delivered to graduating high school students about the five types…

The Delusion of Time

| Food for thought, Purposeful Living | One Comment
I am embarrassed to admit that I've already broken my New Year's resolution to get fit in order to feel better. I physically slogged through the pandemic, and in these four years, made many promises that I'd get my health act together. January 1, 2024, was the date I started…

‘Cancer Ghosting’: When Friends Disappear

| Guest Blogs, Healing Stories and Storytelling | One Comment
By Gretchen Brown Want to make your friendships awkward? Try getting cancer. My diagnosis two years ago put a gulf between me and virtually everyone I knew. I’d spent my life and career figuring out how to relate with other people. Then, I got a disease in my twenties that…

Access Resources

Start your own conversations using this curated list of resources for you to use within your household. Go to the resource section.

Share Your Story

Do you have an End in Mind story? Share your story to inspire, inform, and lead others to take action. Tell us your story.

Get Involved

You can contribute to cultivating a culture where conversations about death and dying are normalized. See how you can get involved.