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The End IS in Mind

By August 17, 2019October 30th, 2019End of Life Wisdom

Death is a part of life.

At End in Mind, we honor that simple fact but to be honest, it starts to feel a little different when death starts picking off people around you…a reminder that some day, you too will join the ranks of the dearly departed.

I’m in that head space after three former co-workers passed away within a couple of weeks of each other. One had ALS, the other bravely battled cancer and the last one had a devastating stroke. Their deaths have left me looking around, wondering who’s next, with the dawning realization that my contemporaries are getting older and getting sick and yes…they are dying.

Experts call this “mortality awareness.” Most people would prefer to be blissfully unaware of this certainty until faced with the inevitable. That’s understandable but we are of the mind that while death is scary, ignoring it doesn’t make it go away.

We are committed to helping people accept, even embrace their mortality, encouraging individuals to value their time- limited existence while offering ways to find meaning and purpose through the end of life. We’re developing novel, creative tools to further this work including a deepening of community wide conversations on the big questions of living and dying. Look. I understand none of this is easy, but the exploration involved is worth it and worth supporting. Will you join us?

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